Paris (FRANCE), 09.12.2021: Data Linkage by EvidentIQ demonstrates the group’s unique position to support sponsors better understanding characteristics and needs of the population, with the goal of promoting the development of better tailored health products and services.
Data Linkage is a method that helps match and merge records from different sources to get a richer dataset. This process always uses the highest standards of privacy and safety. The linkage of information enables the construction of chronological sequences of events and when used at the macro level provide valuable information for policy and research into the health and wellbeing of the population.
EvidentIQ uses significant clinical data expertise, data science analysis, and access to Carenity, their patient platform, to successfully conduct state of the art data linkage studies.
Carenity is a social network specially designed for patients with chronic diseases and their caregivers. It has more than 500,000 members in 6 countries (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States), which gives EvidentIQ a firsthand access to healthcare ad-hoc data if needed.
By working on projects with top 5 pharma, EvidentIQ is showing its proficiency in data generation and is offering its clients a next-level data linkage experience combining data with patients’ insights in a real-world setting using a proactive approach.